Словосочетания со словами in a. Страница одиннадцать

storm in a teacup
"Буря в стакане"; слишком большая суета по поводу чего-то, не очень важного.
Don't worry about that problem. It's just a storm in a teacup.
Не переживай по поводу той проблемы. Это всего лишь буря в стакане.
stretch a point
strain a point
To permit something different or more than usual; not tell the exact truth or make an exception.
Mother stretched a point because it was Christmas time and let the children stay up later than usual.
It's straining a point to call Joe a hero just because he saved the kitten from drowning in the bathtub.
tempest in a teapot
Great excitement about something not important.
Bess tore her skirt a little and made a tempest in a teapot.
there is more than one way to get a pig to market
there is more than one way to flay a fox
there is more than one way to skin a cat
There are always new and different ways to accomplish a difficult task. A proverb.
"'How did you get Tommy to study so hard?" Eleanor asked. "I simply disconnected the television set," Tommy's mother answered. "There's more than one way to get a pig to market."
up in arms
Equipped with guns or weapons and ready to fight.
All of the colonies were up in arms against the Redcoats.
Very angry and wanting to fight.
Robert is up in arms because John said he was stupid.
The students were up in arms over the new rule against food in the dormitory.
win in a walk
win in a breeze
To win very easily; win without having to try hard.
Joe ran for class president and won in a walk.
Our team won the game in a breeze.
with a whole skin
in a whole skin
keep a whole skin
With no injury; unhurt; safely.
Без повреждений; безопасно. "Спасти свою шкуру".
The boy was lucky to escape with a whole skin when the car went off the road.
Jack came through the game with a whole skin.
The horse threw him off, but he got away in a whole skin.
He worried only about keeping a whole skin.
Он беспокоился только о спасении своей шкуры.
I saw him in a whole skin.
Я видел, он был цел и невредим.
within a hair of
На волосок от...
He was within a hair of the death.
Он был на волосок от смерти.